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Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself.
Ephesians 1:9 (NIV)
Jewish Pseudepigrapha Books
The Cave of Treasures 350AD
Apocalypse of Abraham 70-150AD
Apocrypha Esther 1884AD
Apocrypha 1 Esdras 100AD
Apocrypha 1st Maccabees 150BC
Apocrypha 2nd Esdras 200AD
Apocrypha 2nd Maccabees 100BC
Apocrypha 2nd Esdras 200AD
Apocrypha 2nd Maccabees 100BC
Apocrypha Baruch 350AD
Apocrypha Bel and the Dragon 200BC
Apocrypha Judith 100AD
Apocrypha Letter of Jeremiah 300BC
Apocrypha Prayer of Azriah and Song of the three Jews 165BC
Apocrypha Prayer of Manassah 100BC
Apocrypha Sirach180BC
Apocrypha Susanna 1749BC
Apocrypha Wisdom 100BC
First Book of Adam and Eve 20BC-70AD
Life of Adam and Eve 200AD
Second Book of Adam and Eve 20BC-70AD
The Book of Jubilee 100BC
The Testament of our Father Adam 400AD
The Testament of the Twelve Patriachs 180AD
Book of Jasher 1750AD
These Scriptures are sourced from the internet and are in the public domain.
Anchor 1
Christian Non-Canon Books
Acts of Andrew 150AD
Acts of John 150AD
Gospel of Mary Magdalene 100-200AD
Letters of Aristeas 150AD
Pilates Letter to Caesar 1853AD
Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians 95-140AD
The Gospel of Judas 180AD
The Acts of John 180AD
The Acts of Paul and Thecla 160-180AD
The Acts of Thomas 250AD
The Agrapha, or Hidden Words of Jesus UNKNOWN
The Apocalypse of Peter 150AD
The Apocryphal and Legendary Life of Jesus 1903AD
The Apocryphon of John 120-180AD
The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour 500AD
The Book of Pistis Sophia 300AD
The Book of the Resurrection of Christ 500AD
The Dialogue of the Saviour 150AD
The Epistle of Barnabas 70-132AD
The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus 200AD
The Epistle of Jesus Christ and Abgarus King of Edessa 300AD
The First Apocalpse of James 500AD
The Gospel According to Philip 350AD
The Gospel of Bartholomew 500AD
The Gospel of Marcion 100AD
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene 100AD
The Gospel of Nicodemus 300AD
The Gospel of Peter 150AD
The Gospel of Thomas 60-140AD
The History of Joseph the Carpenter 500-600AD
The Letter of Peter to Philip 200AD
The Nazarene Acts of the Apostles 350 AD
The Second Apocalypse of James 200AD
The Secret Book of James 45-50AD
The Secret Gospel of Mark 150-215AD
The Shepherd of Hermas 140-154AD
The Sophia of Jesus Christ 400AD
Third Corinthians 160-170AD
Visions of Saint Paul the Apostle 300AD
These canons are sourced from the internet and are in the public domain.
Anchor 2
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